I've been having some "issues" with noise and scratching within my walls. I've got most people convinced its an animal...but I have to tell someone the truth. In all actuality, my little tiny house in the middle of Tucson is one of the main stops on the newly constructed underground railroad. I house all the Mexican midgets that can fit in my creepily small "attic". So if you have any extra corn husks, we're running low for this weeks tamales and could really use some. Please contact me for any donations you'd like to give. Gracias.
just keep your closet closed. i hear in the middle of the night they like to starch everything.
Ummm, if you want to leave a racist remark, at least get it right. Ironing clothes isn't mexican, that's persian or something of the sort. So shouldn't it be I would walk in my closet and see a lovely garden in its place... I mean work with me here. What else, sweat shop for computer parts, training center for housekeepers etc. Honestly Alex, I am disappointed.
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