I'd like to extend a "cheers" this week to a remarkable and breathtaking tale..."Ariel's Beginning."
I have to say this prequel to The Little Mermaid answered a lot of my previously established questions after seeing the film as a wee lass. I found out how Ariel's mother died, what Ariel's life was like growing up and most importantly it answered my question as to why King Triton's hair was so white. (Stress of having 7 daughters, naturally.)
However, while the story answered many questions it still left many a questions after the film was over.
1. How do mermaids have babies?
2. What makes it possible for mermaids and mermen to breathe in water and on land?
3. Can merpeople breed with other creatures?
4. Is there the same type of discrimination in their culture against things such as fish, whales, etc etc as there is in our society with races and sexes?
5. Is that a manatee or an extremely ugly side kick for the villian in this film?!
While many questions still arise, those were the ones that hit me hardest. I also will like to point out that the plot line for this movie would be extremely difficult for a young child to grasp. I mean what kid under the age of 10 is going to get the whole jist of a "speakeasy"? Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the major point of the movie... So....blah, blah, blah....some stuff happens and King Triton bans music in the kingdom....blah,blah,blah.....Ariel finds a speakeasy and discovers music again.....blah, blah, blah.....music returns and all is happy! (Promise I didn't totally spoil the movie.) Honestly Disney, I am impressed at your take on the plot line of Ariel's life but my jeer to this is - TONE IT DOWN. I don't want to think when I'm watching a Disney movie, okay! I don't need to then ponder our own prohibition on things, Footloose or any other conservative Baptist tale I can conjure up. All I know is you better not freakin ever make a prequel to Peter Pan. If you mess up my favorite Disney movie I'll be all up in your grill!!!! With that, The End.
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