Thursday, September 18, 2008

Cheese Fest 2008

They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.
- Andy Warhol -

Currently sitting at my parents house and sorting through many items that needed to be discarded long ago. I don't know if anyone else ever feels this way, but I feel like I've lived a million different lives, but have trouble recalling the memories of lives past. Its always humorous looking back at crazy times in your life and realizing how pointless and meaningless they all are in your current perspective. While at the time middle school seemed never ending and agonizing, it's now merely just a blip on the radar of life. High school, what some call the most important time of one's adolescent life, seems like a million years ago and many memories a blur. I can only imagine how quickly college memories will fade completely away. At 23, freshman and sophomore year of college are basically memories I can't I guess I have a tiny bit of time before junior and senior year are completely shoved to the inner filing cabinets of suppressed memories.

I guess the thing that really irks me the most about these past memories and sifting through the old notes, photos and mementos...sadly not mentos, is how naive and idealistic I once was. Thinking about and dwelling on the past is a tough thing to do... There is this huge part of me that would like to travel back to my high school self and give some helpful tidbits like: don't ever let someone emotionally bully you around, always stand up for yourself and others, try to find the good in people but don't try too hard, don't waste your time on people that don't treat you right, spend time with the people that do and most importantly, never let anyone make you feel bad about who you are.

While this huge part of myself wishes I could go back in time and advise my younger, very naive self to make these changes...that always leads to pondering about how much things would have changed in my life. While I had to go through some struggles back in the day, and wish I could have avoided some situations and people, I don't know if I'd really want to change the person that I am today. What if changing these situations that would have made me never meet the people I care most about, my best friends. Its just funny how the mind works...half the time you never even give things a second thought, but its a little tough when you're in a room full of memories that have been repressed that are starting to surface once again.

So with that, I just figured I might as well post some thoughts on taking a trip down memory lane...I would advise many to enjoy it as much as I did. My trip was only fun due to the paper shredder that has now been housed in my bedroom and has gone to very good use in the past few days! So with all of that, thank you to the people that put up with me and are there for me, you don't even know how much you all mean and how much I love you. I'm not one for these cheesy posts and memories...these are the things I normally made fun of, but hey, it's my blog after with it. The End.

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