Monday, September 29, 2008

A dash of Scientology a day keeps the doctor away...literally.

I don't know how they found me, but they did. Good old Tom Cruise and the boys of scientology have found me. Maybe I should consider myself blessed for the fact that someone has gone completely out of their way to mail me a lovely pink Oxford Capacity Analysis or rather OCA test. The OCA is 200 questions in length and from the range of questions like: Would the idea of inflicting pain on game, small animals or fish prevent you from hunting or fishing? Do you get occasional twitches of your muscles, when there is no logical reason for it? Do you have a tendency to tidy up a disorder of somebody else's household? I can only concluded that with answering some of these questions they ask with a "yes" means clearly that you are psycho murderer waiting to happen.

While I don't know much about the religion, I do know that watching their official videos online were creeping me out. Or maybe it was for the fact that watching these videos online was how I spent my time catching up with an old friend from undergrad. Anywho...I've been half tempted to complete my OCA test to find out how crazy these scientologist would claim I am. Perhaps joining their church would really benefit me like their videos say. Instead of getting all A's like one kid in their video, maybe I'd get a nice job and be successful and maybe, just maybe, I'd meet Tom Cruise. However, no need to worry I'm too much of a wuss to go through with the test and I'm also not too keen on the thought of being brainwashed and locked in a room.

In the rare case that people other than the two that I know whom might read this...Has anyone else gotten a scientology letter or am I just extremely special?

1 comment:

The Pessimistic Prep said...

Holy Moly. I have a feeling I should be scared. Thanks for the info ronbot van helsing. Any idea then how they got my information?